
Friday, April 24, 2009

A Re-Post From Chubskulit- Rose's Obstacles and Glories

Chicken Ala Carte

I was blog hopping a while ago and I saw the recent post at Kevin's blog about this video that made me cry while I was watching it. This is a reality that I always tell my kids whenever they do not want to eat. This is also a very good reminder that we have to be contented and thankful for everything that we have. Even the things that we have is not exactly the ones that we want but still we are fortunate that at least we have something, other's DON'T have anything. Please watch the video guys! - Rose

As we partake our meals in our dining tables, let us pause for a moment to think and pray for those people who can only eat scrap food from the trash cans of fast food restaurants. They are the people who can barely eat a decent meal a day. Please see this video and have a really good cry. Then we will see how fortunate and blessed we really are. Happy viewing. God bless us all. - Mel

Chicken A la Carte - A True Story

Tags: Chicken a la Carte, Poverty, Hunger, Degradation, Suffering, Third World Countries, Want, Neglect, Apathy, Corruption, Insensitivity

Posted by: Rose
Reposted by: Mel Avila Alarilla